Fantasy Name Generator v3.0

To use this Name Generator just click "Generate Names" below. Each of the "language" groups are divided into genders as appropriate for that culture. Each gendered list is further divided into an arbitrary prefix and suffix. By default all languages and genders are selected for both prefix and suffix. You may customize the style of names generated by checking at least one selection in either the prefix or suffix columns, or both. If no boxes are checked for prefix or suffix then all languages and genders are utilized. Checking a language selects all options for that language and over-rides prefix/suffix selections.

Names were taken from actual baby name lists for the respective language and split into a prefix and suffix. This division was performed by non-native speakers so we apologize if this, in any way, offends. Our intent is not cultural appropriation rather the ability to create groups of similar sounding names that could be used, in a consistent way, for fictional & fantasy cultures.

Very special thanks to Dan Byer who got this re-write started and Ben Francis who took our inital coding to a whole new level. Thanks you two!

- Mark Wyler



Released under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike -- CC BY-NC-SA --"